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Meet the Pastor

Pastor Otis Holland Sr., the son of Elijah and Carrie Bell Holland, was born in Monroe, LA on January
7, 1966. He is the 16th of 22 siblings. During his childhood, Pastor Holland was no stranger to
The Word of God, as he would often attend church with his father who pastored three churches.
Pastor Holland was influenced by his father’s spiritual path which helped shape his calling to
preach and teach God’s word in love.

At the tender age of seven, Pastor Holland told his father he wanted to be a preacher just like
him. In 1991 Pastor Holland fulfilled his desire by accepting the Lord's call to ministry. In 1992, he was introduced to Pastor J.V. Hollins and the Body of Christ, during a church convention in 1993 hosted by The Living Gospel Houma. It is there that he received the baptism of the Holy Ghost. He then began working as a minister in outreach in Columbia, Louisiana. In 2006, Pastor Holland was ordained as an Elder under the leadership and teachings of Pastor J.V. Hollins and Bishop D.L. Jones, the overseer of The Living Gospel Churches.  In 2013, he became the pastor of the The Living Gospel Ruston. In 2015, the Lord called him to pastor The Living Gospel West Monroe. 

Pastor Holland is married to his lovely wife, Doris of 38 years. To their union were born two
children, Sharonda (Terran) and Otis, Jr (Ashley). Through the years, the Lord continued to bless his family by providing both their children with wonderful spouses and two grand children. 

Pastor Holland’s motivation for ministry is found in John 13:35: "By this shall all men know that
ye are my disciples if ye have love one to another. He wholeheartedly believes we are to share
the Word of God in love and deed."


His conviction is that it is the Love of God that draws, and the Word and Work of God that truly changes people's lives. Pastor Holland would like to extend a warm welcome to come to hear the good news of God at The Living Gospel Church where God’s love abides.

    From the Desk of Bishop D.L. Jones
    Overseer of The Living Gospel Churches 

    Dear West Monroe Family,

    It was such a blessing for me to serve in the West Monroe Assembly for over five years. My wife and I can truly attest that we were greatly refreshed by your genuine and heartfelt love that the assembly extended to us. We found a church family that was truly endeavoring to put into practice three important characteristics of the Body of Christ, that is, unity, love, and hospitality.
    The Psalmist exclaims in 133:1 & 3: “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!” When a church unifies, the LORD commands the BLESSING, even LIFE for evermore!” God desires that we become one—one in His Spirit, one in purpose, and one in all the attributes of His Son, Jesus Christ.

    Secondly, He wants us to love one another, as stated in John 13:35: “By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.” The Body of Christ is truly blessed in that God has revealed the harmony that exists between the Old and New Testaments, in unraveling types and shadows, and how they culminate in Jesus Christ. But let us be careful not to allow these revelations to puff us up, as Paul admonished in I Corinthians 8:1: “Knowledge puffeth up, but charity edifieth.” Yes, charity is the greatest characteristic we can have in our lives. That is why the Apostle
    John wrote in I John 4:7-8: “Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.”

    My last admonishment to the church is keep on showing hospitality to people everywhere—Saint and sinner—for the West Monroe Assembly is truly “given to hospitality” (Rom. 12:13). May you continue to “use hospitality one to another without grudging” (I Pet. 4:9). Pastor Otis and Mother Doris, keep up the good work. God has surrounded you with godly men and women to hold up your arms as you labor in the vineyard. Be blessed!

    Love and prayers,

    Bishop D.L. Jones

    Brief History of The Living Gospel Church

    The Living Gospel Church, founded by Elder P.H. Jefferson started in the home of Mother Margaret Houze, who lived at 1251 1/2 East 34th Street in Los Angeles, California. Elder Jefferson met Mother Houze at a church meeting in Oakland, California, and saw her again at a church service in Chino, California. During this time, there were not any Body of Christ churches in the Los Angeles area, so Mother Houze made the sacrifice of riding in the back of a pick-up truck to Chino every Sunday, along with her closest friend, Mother Savannah Tolbert. 


    Mother Houze invited Elder Jefferson to start bible classes in her home, which lead to the birth of The Living Gospel Church, in 1951. The name 'The Living Gospel' was given directly to Elder Jefferson by God, who promised to use him as He (God) had "used other vessels." Elder Jefferson passed away on May 24, 1991, having served for 40 years. However, The Living Gospel Churches continued to move forward under the leadership of Elder  D.L. Jones, the current Overseer of all the churches that are a part of The Living Gospel Fellowship, which consist of more than 16 churches both nationally and international, including The Living Gospel West Monroe. 

    What We Believe

    We believe the Bible (KJV) is the authenticated word of God.

    • II Timothy 3:16-17

    • Revelation 22:18-19

    • II Peter 1:20-21

    We believe in the virgin birth of Jesus Christ and that there is no salvation in any other name.

    • Isaiah 7:14

    • Matthew 1:20-23

    • Luke 1:26-27

    We believe in the death, burial, resurrection, and ascension of Christ.

    • Mark 16:15-20

    • Acts 1:9-11

    • Acts 13:28-33

    We believe in a born-again experience from the Old Life in Adam to the New Life in Jesus Christ.

    • John 3:3-8

    • Romans 5:12-15

    • 1 Corinthians 15:21-22

    We believe in a Life of Holiness and Sanctification unto the Lord and only this class of people will reign with Him.

    • II Corinthians 7:1

    • Hebrews 12:14

    • I Thessalonians 5:23


    We believe in the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues.

    • Acts 2:1-4

    • Acts 10:44-48

    • Acts 19:1-6

    We believe in the Baptism of water by immersion and that it is essential to all believers, and must be administered by an ordained authority of the church.

    • Matthew 28:19

    • Acts 2:38

    We believe in the eternal, invisible God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

    • Colossians 1:15

    • Ephesians 3:14-19

    • Ephesians 4:6

    We believe in the Millennial Reign and the Rule of Jesus Christ with his Bride over the earth.

    • Revelation 2:26-27

    • Revelation 5:10

    • Revelation 12:5


    We believe in the Second soon-coming of Jesus Christ for the reaping of his Bride out of the Church.

    • John 14:1-4

    • I Corinthians 15:51-58

    • I Thessalonians 4:13-18

    We believe in the Resurrection of the dead; both the just and unjust.

    • John 5:28-29

    • Acts 24:15

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